Monday, May 4, 2020

Making Triangle Traffic Light Popsicles.

You can use any fruits that have the three colours of the traffic lights. The colours are red, orange or yellow and green. I used kiwi fruit, apricot and cherries because these are the fruits I had in my freezer. These popsicles are really cool because you can make them out of frozen, fresh, canned or ready made juice. Mum and I tried a whole bunch of different fruit to see which one tastes the best. I liked cherries, pineapple and lime. Mum liked apple, mango and blueberries.

Any green fruit.
Any yellow or orange fruit.
Any red fruit.

Popsicle mould or empty container for freezing.

If you are using fresh, tinned or frozen fruit you need to blend it in a blender. I used a Nutri Bullet. If you are using ready made juice you can just pour it into the mould straight away. You need to freeze in between colours. 1st put in the red then freeze that layer. Then pour in orange or yellow and freeze that layer and once you've done that put in the green and freeze. This will give you separate coloured layers otherwise they all mix in together. Here's my one.


  1. Wow! They look fabulous. What a great idea. I like you clear and easy to follow instructions.

  2. Hi Jensen
    I know that you are really good a cooking so ive come to go cheack it out!!
    Wow those popsicles look really nice.
    Keep it up


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